Wednesday, July 10, 2013

FASTING: Making up fasts

If a balanced diet with the right intake of vitamins and diet are just essential for the proper functioning of our body, it is advisable to do a fast time to time to clean the body of toxins that can clog.

But, do not fast and no matter how fast is long, it must be better prepared.

Fasting: good or bad for health?

What is fasting?

Fasting is a period shorter or longer - from 1 day to several weeks - where you stop eating and drinking.

A personal habit of healthy living: this is the case, when we want to clean our body of its excess;

It may also have a religious purpose: the fast of Lent for Christians or Ramadan for Muslims.

Ramadan fasting is not to eat or drink from sunrise to sunset for one lunar month. The Lenten fast is to restrict his diet during the 40 days before Easter, fasting is more pronounced Friday. Formerly, Lent meant severe restrictions on meats, sugars, etc... And now Lent is less and less strict monitoring and the choice of deprivation remains free.

The phenomenon of autolysis (self-absorption) is for the body to dip into its reserves:

It will fetch in the "secondary" substances, which are not essential to the body;

by a kind of phenomenon of internal combustion, toxins and all that is in excess will be purified through eliminative parts of the body: the excretory organs (kidneys, lungs, skin, liver and intestines ).

How fasted

On a more hygienic and non religious point of view, fasting for therapeutic purposes must prepare.

If you've never practiced, it is first necessary to contact a doctor or naturopath to ensure that your health allows. It is indeed not advisable to fast when one is ill or pregnant.

You must then follow the three main phases of fasting:

Preparation of the entry in the fasting period;
Fasting period itself;

output fast or how to get a normal diet, which must of course be gradually reintroducing foods in a specific order.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Lose belly fat quickly

You tried everything under the sun to lose belly fat fast but with no luck? Have you tried dieting, exercise, fad diets, diet pills, etc.. ? Well, today I would like a proven method of weight loss diets that work time and time again to not only get rid of belly fat but to improve overall health. Take two minutes out of your busy day to read this article and learn more.

As I always tell my players, weight loss and fat loss happens in the kitchen. In order to lose the stubborn fat that you eat, when you eat and how you eat it is absolutely vital.

However, where most diets fail is teaching people to reduce their caloric intake dramatically. Which significantly reduces the number of calories will not help you lose weight. Why is that? Because eventually you will lose weight significantly reduce calories, you will eventually regain the weight right back. This is because you have caused your metabolism to slow down. When your body does not get the amount of calories, it is supposed to get, your metabolism will go into starvation mode. This means that your body will store the calories then you consume as fat. This is why diet pills and fat diets are strongly discouraged.

The best way to lose weight ... and above all ... keep it off, using a new diet system called calorie shifting. Calorie shifting handles normal daily routines of your body. This process will result in a significant boost to your metabolism. The end result is that you lose weight, lose belly fat ... and keep it off permanently.

Lose 30 pounds and lose belly fat in four weeks using the calorie shifting diet.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

How to lose belly fast

The problem is that if you want to lose belly fat quickly and efficiently, there are no simple, quick and easy solutions. Everyone has a different body and every individual will need a quite different approach to achieve its objectives, that is to say slim belly as quickly and efficiently as possible.
That being said, there are some general rules to follow to lose belly fat quickly, you are a man or a woman, athlete or not, big or small, etc...
Here are three rules that I consider crucial for anyone wishing to lose weight quickly and effectively of the belly:

1 - Eat plenty of fruits

You've heard, you have to eat "five fruits or vegetables a day." In fact, if you want to slim of the belly really quickly and permanently, you'd better eat more than 5 per day! I often recommend 10 servings a day because it is doable if you are serious and really want to lose weight quickly and well the tummy while having consequences for impressive results on your body. Try doing that for two weeks and see the difference on your energy, your body, your belly. See how you become a more attractive person, and how more and more people look at you in the street. Find the numbers on the scale as well. See how your belly slimmed a record speed. In short, eat more fruit and you will lose stomach very quickly and efficiently, whether you are a sportsman or not, man or woman.

2 - Drink lots of water

Your body is made to 70% of water. Your needs a lot of water to function properly, and if your body is not functioning optimally, it begins to catch diseases and store fat because their metabolism is slowed. The majority of the current population is dehydrated. Most people do not drink enough water and this is largely the reason why most people are over-weight. If you want to slim the stomach quickly and well, drink more water.

3 - Get plenty of sleep

Most people do not drink enough water, but do not sleep enough. The less you sleep, the more you store fat and you get fat of the belly, because your metabolism needs a big dose of sleep to function well. In addition, when you're sleep deprived, you feel bad, and you compensate by eating more unhealthy foods that typically will make you fat (sweets, cola, chips, or food and fatty foods which grow rapidly). So if you want to lose weight quickly and well stomach, sleep more.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

How to lose belly fat in 10 days!

Automatically, most people assume that exercise is the best way to lose belly fat. What they do not seem to understand is that exercise alone is not enough, and it takes approximately forever to see results. The main problem with belly fat is that it tends to be just where you want to build; especially when you eat foods is starch or sugars.

What you will learn "How to Lose Belly Fat in 10 Days" is a technique for natural weight loss that can free your body have fat burning abilities and help you get rid of belly fat problem permanently.

First, answer this question: what will happen if it was possible to lose belly fat in 10 days by eating more, not less. Yes, it sounds ridiculous and impossible, but it is not a joke. Using a special technique diet called "calorie shifting" is possible! What, you ask, calorie changing? In simple terms, it is a method of changing your eating habits in some way to weight loss effect.

In short, you'll eat four or more meals per day, ensuring that each meal significantly different calorie values, and pass the time you eat each day. This type of change in eating pattern literally tricks your body by increasing metabolism and the rate at which you burn fat!

When this happens, the body areas containing starting more fat burning away. This method of fat loss is much more efficient and less complicated than traditional diets and exercise programs to lose belly fat. Why, you ask?

Moving calorie helps your body make the most of its own metabolism to work attack belly fat and all other areas where excess fat is hiding, get rid of it quickly. Calorie shifting is not really a "diet", it is actually a process, a different style of eating. Unlike diets, you can eat whatever you want and never starve yourself.

Since you are not hungry or you have a decrease your favorite foods, you hardly notice what is happening until you look down and realize that you lack some serious fat! This technique works while you sleep, while you eat, and while you go about your everyday life. This is ideal for those who have too much to do and not enough time to devote to specialized methods and intense exercise regimes. In less than ten days, you will see dramatic results.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Top tips for staying slim

The weight gain is more complex than previously believed, researchers are discovering more and more every day. The brain plays a major role, as well as exposure to chemicals we use every day. Here's how you can take advantage of the most recent discoveries.
Even in the eyes a health conscious person, a slice of chocolate cake may seem irresistible. Why do we sometimes give in to temptation in spite of common sense? This is the question that everyone is asking.

Researchers at the Neurological Institute of Montreal may have pinpointed a possible cause: as soon as we have before us an appetizing, prepare a stomach hormone, which sends the brain a powerful message that we need to consume in the second.
Research on the causes of overweight is currently booming, and this discovery does that confirm the importance. "We are just beginning to make us realize how obesity is a complex problem,"
discover the causes of
what makes us gain weight and prevents us from losing, faster treatment is found to cure obesity or simply a solution for losing a few pounds you will discover.

Meanwhile, slimming treatments caloric restriction and exercise are the best weapons in the fight against overweight. This should not prevent you to take advantage of some of the most amazing discoveries.
Weight loss  treatment by caloric restriction and exercise are the best weapons in the fight against overweight. This should not prevent you to take advantage of some of the most amazing discoveries.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Homemade slimming to melt belly fat

Despite plans to lose weight and exercises to lose weight, it is possible that the mirror is relentless; a photo in a swimsuit does not give the result you were hoping to see. If you do not manage to reduce stomach fat, before resorting to liposuction, this homemade recipe for a slimming cream can be the ideal solution to reduce abdominal fat. Try and see.

If you have extra pounds, it is best that you opted for homemade remedies for weight loss, among them you will find great ideas for infusions and juices to lose weight, but also food, plants and fruit that will help you to lose weight. Not to regressed, do not give up the exercises recommended, however, if it continues, if the belly fat will not melt, try this homemade recipe slimming.

Homemade recipe for slimming cream


     1 tablespoon white iodine for external use
     Body cream sufficiently consistent


     Added to the flask body cream iodine and mix until smooth texture.


     Apply this simplistic cream before bed, on the area you wish thin.
     Wraps the area with a cloth and let stand for overnight.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

How to lose weight quickly

Diet is different for men and women. In fact women naturally have more fat than men. This is due to the fact that women give life and should have plenty of energy in reserve (read fat), to avoid problems of undernourishment in the developing child during pregnancy. It is natural for a woman to be a little plump.

It will be more difficult for a woman to lose weight because your body will not agree. As a woman, you are somewhat at a disadvantage compared to male sex. This does not mean that it is impossible to lose weight. Many women maintain a weight slightly below average without much effort.

You have to make more effort than a man to lose weight, then it is important that you to focus your efforts in the right place.

Lose weight in the long term means that you both want to lose weight, but also maintain your new weight. In other words, you want to live in another body. Habits current lives you have brought the body you have today. The body is a reflection of his lifestyle. To change your body, change your habits gradually.


In weight loss, the most important factor is diet. When you overeat, the body stores the excess energy as fat. Instead when you do not eat enough your body uses fat as energy to function throughout the day. To lose weight, reduce the volume of their diet enough. The sport is secondary (I'll explain in more detail why and how a little further down this page).

You have not grown overnight, so do not expect to lose overnight either. Weight loss is slow. You will have more weight to lose and you will lose fat quickly. In general, for a person under 10kg to lose, it is considered possible to lose up to 2kg of fat per month. If you  lose weight quickly is that it is not fat.

Weight loss is slow. So it is important to keep in the long term. The motivation is not inexhaustible. I myself experienced when I lost my 25kg of excess fat. If we overestimate their ability, it usually ends up dropping a few days. To lose weight when you're a woman, you must first save his motivation, and be consistent in its efforts.

Forget the diets that make you completely change your diet overnight. There is a good chance that you give up quickly. Opt for very discrete changes but remain anchored in your habits. For example, if you regularly drink soda, try to change this habit to drink more water. In 2 or 3 weeks, you will get progressively reduce and eliminate soda from your meals.

Be aware of the energy in your food. For example, a bowl of rice (starch) contains 300 calories, while a bowl of lentils (legume) contains 150, and a bowl of spinach (vegetables) contains 40. To reduce the energy in your meals, reduce a little from starchy foods, and increase the share of vegetables / legumes. No need to overdo it, but now this change in your habits.

Also increase the amount of protein you eat every day. It is very healthy to eat protein, as it does not fall into the excess (as in all). For example, you can eat a protein with each main meal (lunch and dinner) without any risk to your health. Choose from: egg, meat (preferably white), fish, or dairy. Protein helps to feel satisfied.

Fats are also very good for health and also help them feel satisfied. Eat good fats (fatty fish, uncooked vegetable oils) and fewer "bad" fats are not harmful but less good for your health (red meat, animal fat in general). Do not fall into the trap of not eat any fatty food: it does not work. Just stay reasonable.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Natural tips to remove belly fat

Some people tend to accumulate more abdominal fat than others. We note that some people can eat ice cream all day without taking a single centimeter in the abdomen while for another it does not take much.

Note that this phenomenon is mainly due to genetic causes and that men are more affected than women, although pregnancy can cause it in those large distensions around the navel, which are characterized by the installation of large stretch marks and wrinkles. There is unfortunately no magic formula or pill that can be taken pure lose fat at the waist. However with a little exercise and a diet tailored especially based foods burn fat, and limiting consumption of calories, and eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, lean meats, fish, eggs, white meats and dairy products low in fat. We can fight against these forms unsightly.

10 Tips for removing fat :

1. Start eating whole foods. Junk food contains too much sodium, fat, sugar and processed carbohydrates. Remove all food from your kitchen.

2. Start the day with an hour of exercise: The exercise helps burn calories and fat and accelerate metabolism. Exercise in the morning can burn stored fat instead of calories.

3. Eliminate the bad carbs: Our body needs good carbohydrates such as potatoes, brown rice, vegetables, whole grains and fruits to function properly. The bad carbs, like white flour products and sugar-rich foods are not nutritious. Carbohydrates are a good source of energy, only if they are not burned (consumed) they increase insulin levels and slows the metabolism and the body begins to store energy as fat.

4. Avoid alcohol because it has no nutritional value and is immediately stored as fat. Of course we cannot deny everything so drink in moderation.

5. Eat enough, because when you are hungry your body metabolism and thus saves is slow. Instead, take small meals and snacks throughout the day to avoid falling into this trap.

6. Dairy products such as milk, yogurt and cheese without fat. Nutritionists recommend consuming three or four servings of skim or low-fat per day. The calcium in these products also helps keep bones strong.

7. The foods high in soluble fiber can help burn fat. Oats helps the body reduce cholesterol and get rid of toxins and makes you feel full. It is better to eat breakfast for a great source of energy for the day. Beans and whole grains, such as some bread are also a good source of fiber.

8. Replace butter and vegetable oils of olive oil can help burn fat at the waist. In addition it helps to lower cholesterol and fat.

9. Many fruits and vegetables such as oranges, grapefruit, lemons, broccoli, carrots, apples and blueberries contain vitamins that prevent the absorption of fat by the body.

10. Drink green tea to eliminate belly fat

In some cases, you must go through an operation. Cosmetic surgeons are accustomed to speak of "tummy tucks" as there are different techniques to fix damaged bellies and remove excess fat, sagging skin or muscle in the abdominal wall.